- Rich in Anti-Oxidants:
- Cinnamon is rich in Anti-Oxidants that helps it to
prevent formation of Free Radical that lead to Cancer.
- Anti-Inflammatory:
- Anti-Oxidants of Cinnamon have anti-inflammatory property
that reduces the chances of Heart-Problems, Cancer, and others. As per the
research, cinnamon has seven types of flavonoid that fight with the
- Healthy Heart:
- Cinnamon helps to lower down bad cholesterol level and
triglycerides. Thus, cinnamon reduces the chances of Heart Diseases resulting
in healthy heart.
- Neuro-degenerative Disease:
- These diseases form when there is a loss in structure and
functions of brain cells. These types of diseases are Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s
disease. Cinnamon might improve it.
- Insect Repellent:
- Cinnamon leaf oil has anti-microbial properties used in
the treatment of head lice, controlling black ants and prevents mosquitoes.
- Anti-Cancer:
- Presence of anti-oxidants in the Cinnamon, protect from
cancer and prevent formation of free radicals that is cause for it.
- Combats with Infection and Viruses:
- Cinnamon boosts immunity, prevents illness as it has
anti-biotic, anti-microbial, anti-viral, anti-fungal.
- Tooth-decay:
- Cinnamon has anti-bacterial property and is used to remove
bacteria from our mouth or tooth and prevent tooth decay and bad breath.
- Weight-Loss:
- Cinnamon is used to thin blood of body, so that blood
flow increase. It will result in good metabolism and hence it might be loose
weight of body.
- High blood pressure:
- Cinnamon is used to lower down blood pressure. For better results, you can also add it to your daily diet.
- Controls Blood Sugar Level:
- Cinnamon is good for Diabetes patient, it lowers Blood Sugar Level. Cinnamon effectively works, if taken ½ to 2 tbsp per day.Cinnamon helps people to insulin resistance.
- Energy:
- Rice has High quantity of Carbohydrate. Carbohydrates
are needed by the Body, so that it gives Energy to the Body.
- Cholesterol Free:
- Rice has amazing benefits on our Health, as
they don’t contain any cholesterol, sodium or harmful fat.
- Controls Blood Pressure:
- Rice contains low amount of Sodium, so it is
good for Hypertension or High Blood Pressure patient. Sodium may constrict
veins or arteries which affects our Heart resulting in increase in Blood
Pressure, it cause Heart related problems like Heart attack, etc.
- Cancer Prevention:
- Brown rice has high quantity of insoluble
Fibres that prevents from Cancer. It especially protects from intestinal
- Alzheimer’s disease:
- Brown Rice and wild rice are rich in
nutrients because of that it controls the functioning of neurotransmitters and
helps to prevent Alzheimer’s disease.
- Good Digestion:
- Rice cures indigestion and it increases
appetite and help in normal bowel movement.
- High Amount of Vitamins:
- Rice has large amount minerals and vitamins
such as Calcium, Fiber, thiamine,Iron, etc.Vitamins and Minerals good for
Healthy Immunity System.
- Constipation:
- Rice can cure Chronic Constipation.
- Healthy Bones:
- Brown Rice has Magnesium that is good for
Healthy Bones.
- Weight-loss:
- Brown Rice has properties like fibre which
prevents the weight-gain.
- Squeeze half Lemon mix it with 1 Glass of water and driink it on empty stomach in the morning.
- Soak fenugreek seeds overnight in water and
then chew fenugreek seeds in morning and drink that water.
- Walk on Green Grass early in the morning for
20-30 minutes.
- Drink plenty of water in whole day daily but
always drink water slowly.
- Replace one time food with fibre rich fruits
like water melon, musk melon, etc. As they are low Calorie fruits and by eating
them your hunger disappears.
- Drink coconut water daily.
- Don't use refined oils for cooking vegetables
or other Foods, use Mustard Oil or Pure Ghee (Clarified Butter) for Cooking.
- When you feel Hungry, one time in a day eat
Chewing Gum, it reduces hunger.
- Before sleeping in night, walk for about 20-30
- Stop eating oily snacks or junk food.
- आधे नींबू का रस एक गिलास पानी में डालकर सुबह खाली पेट पीएँ.
- मेथी दानों को आधे गिलास पानी में रात को भीगो दें और सुबह मेथी
दाने को चबाकर खा जाएं और पानी भी पी लें.
- हरी घास पर सुबह 20-30
मिनट के लिये टहलें.
- पानी जयादा से जयादा पीएं, लेकिन धीरे धीरे पीएँ.
- एक टाइम के खाने के बदले फाइबर से भरपूर फल खा ले जैसे कि तरबूज़
खरबूज़ इससे आपको भूख नहीं लगेगी,
खाना मत खाए एक टाइम.
- शाम के टाइम या दिन में किसी भी टाइम नारियल पानी जरूर पीएँ.
- सबज़ी या और किसी खाने को रिफाइंड में मत बनाएँ शुद्ध देसी घी या
सरसों के तेल में बनाएँ.
- जब आप को भूख लगे तो चविंगम चबाएँ इससे आपकी भूख
मर जाएगी.
- रात को सोने से पहले 20-30 मिनट के लिये टहलें.
- तली हुई
चीजों और सनैकस को मत खाएँ.
- शराब और अन्य किसी प्रकार का नशा मत करे
- Cardiovascular Disease:
- Muskmelon
takes care of your heart and help in preventing Heart diseases.
- Constipation:
- Muskmelon
benefits in constipation as it is rich in dietary fibre, it relieves
constipation if added bulk to our diet.
- Maintains Blood Pressure:
- Blood
pressure is controlled by eating Muskmelon in regular diet because it is rich
in potassium.
- Stress:
- Muskmelon
relieve from stress because it increase the flow of oxygen to the brain.
- Gastric:
- Muskmelon
provides relief from the acidity and stomach related problems.
- Weight-Loss:
- Muskmelon
is a natural fruit which helps in losing weight very quickly if consumed
- Protein:
- Seeds
of Muskmelon are rich in Proteins.
- Good for Liver:
- We
should eat Muskmelon regularly in summer season so that it will keep our Liver
Healthy and make our body fit.
- Intestinal Warms:
- If any one has warms in their intestine than
they have to eat muskmelon regularly.
- Digestion:
- Muskmelon
is rich in fiber, helps in maintaining digestion system.
- Healthy Vision:
- Muskmelon
is rich in Vitamin A and beta-carotene that used to sharp eye sight and reduces
risk of Cataract.
- Diabetes:
- Muskmelon
maintains blood sugar Level and helps in controlling Diabetes.
- Cures Ulcers:
- Muskmelon
is rich in Vitamin C so helps in curing and preventing ulcers.
- Good for Kidney:
- Muskmelon
used as cleanser for kidney problems as it have lot of water content and may
prevent kidney stone because it contains oxykine.
- Insomnia:
- Muskmelon
relieves the muscles and nerves so that people will sleep.
- Anti- Cancer:
- Muskmelon
have high amount of Vitamin C that eliminate free radicals and save cells of
body from damage.
- Immunity Booster:
- Muskmelon
is rich in Vitamin C used to strengthen immunity system as it increases WBC’s
and helps in destroying viruses and bacteria.
- खरबूजा
दिल को स्वस्थ रखता है और दिल की बीमारीयों से भी बचाता है.
- खरबूजा
रोजाना खाने से कब्जी दूर होती है.
- खरबूजा
बी०पी० को नियंत्रित करता है, कयोंकि इसमें
पोटेशियम होता है.
- खरबूजा
तनाव को दूर करता है.
- खरबूजा
गैस की समस्या को दूर करता है.
- खरबूजा
खाने से मोटापा कम होता है.
- खरबूजे
के बीजों में परोटीन भरपुर होता है.
- खरबूजा
लीवर को मजबुत रखता है.
- खरबूजा
रोजाना खाने से पेट के कीड़े मर जाते हैं.
- खरबूजे
से पेट सही रहता है.
- खरबूजे
से आँखों की रोशनी बढ़ती है और मोतियाबिंद का खतरा कम होता है.
- खरबूजा
डायबिटीज को नियंत्रित करता है.
- खरबूजा
छालों को ठीक करता है.
- खरबूजा
गुरदों को साफ रखता है और पथरी नहीं होने देता.
- खरबूजा
खाने से नींद अच्छी आती है.
- खरबूजा
कैंसर होने से बचाता है.
- खरबूजा
रोग प्रतिरोधक शक्ति बढ़ाता है.
- Treats Dandruff:
- Soak Fenugreek Seeds overnight and then make paste of it and
apply it over the head and wash thoroughly with water after half hour.
- Healthy Heart:
- Fenugreek Seeds lowers down bad Cholesterol Level and it reduces
the risk of Heart related Diseases because of the presence of Fiber in it.
- Weight-Loss:
- Consuming Fenugreek Seeds results in Loss of Appetite and thus
helps in weight loss.
- Digestive Problems:
- Fenugreek Seeds cures Digestive Problems, Gastric or Heart-Burn.
- High Blood-Pressure and Heart
- Fenugreek Seeds used to lower down High Blood Pressure and
controls Heart Rate because it contains electrolyte Potassium.
- Menstrual Problem:
- Fenugreek Seeds helps in getting relief from Stomach cramps and
other pain or problems.
- Diabetes:
- Fenugreek Seeds are best home remedy for type 2 diabetes,
because it contains galactomannan fiber which is used to control sugar level to
be absorbed in the blood, and use it 15-20 gm daily.
- Colon cancer:
- Fenugreek seed contains polysaccharides which helps to maintain
cholesterol levels and protects Mucus membrane of the Colon and thus there are
less Chances of Cancer.
- Pimples:
- Apply Fenugreek seeds
paste on the pimples helps to get ride of pimples or Acne and also cures
blemishes or scars.
- Good for Kidney:
- Regular consumption of
Fenugreek Seeds is good for proper Functioning of Kidney.
- Anti-Aging:
- Regular intake of
Fenugreek Seeds helps to reduce old age signs like wrinkles.
- Healthy
- Presence of Potassium in Kidney Beans
prevents from Heart diseases.
- Protein:
- Kidney Beans are rich source of protein.
- Colon
- Kidney Beans prevent Colon Cancer because it
contains different types of fibers and nutrients which are Anti-Cancer in
- Diabetes:
- Kidney Beans manage
Blood-Sugar level so it is best food for eating of Diabetic patients or also
for others.
- Weight-Loss:
- Kidney Beans are also called Starch blockers,
so that they delay the digestion of carbs in body and helps in loosing weight.
- Brain:
- Kidney Beans are best for the good functionality of Brain and Nerves.
- Boost
- Kidney Beans are good
source of Iron and it also has manganese content, both of that give energy to
the body.
- Healthy Bones:
- Presence of Calcium content in Kidney
Beans responsible for strengthen bones. Kidney Beans also contain folate that
reduces the chances of Fracture.
- Hairs:
- Kidney Beans contain Vitamin A B and C and
Iron which are good for Healthy Hairs.
- Healthy
- Kidney Beans have Folic Acid which repairs
damage cells and good for Healthy Skin.
- राजमा में पोटेशियम होता है और इसे खाने से हृदय रोगों से बचा जा सकता है.
- राजमा में भरपूर मात्रा में परोटीन होता है.
- राजमा पेट के कैंसर से बचाता है कयोंकि इसमें बहुत तरह के फाइबर और नयुटरीयेंटस होते हैं.
- राजमा खुन में शुगर लेवल को नियंत्रित करते हैं इसलिए यह डायबिटीज के रोगी के लिए लाभकारी है.
- राजमा वज़न कम करने में मदद करते हैं.
- राजमा दिमाग और नसों के लिए लाभकारी है.
- राजमा में आइरन और मैंगनीज होता है जो कि हमारे शरीर को ताकत देता है.
- राजमा से हड्डियां मजबूत बनती हैं और फरेकचर का खतरा भी कम होता है.
- राजमा में विटामिन ए बी सी और आइरन होता है जो कि बालों के फायदेमंद होता है.
- राजमा में फौलिक एसीड होता है जिससे तवचा तनदरूसत रहती है.